My love for cooking started when I was a young girl watching my mother, and grandmother and aunties in the kitchen preparing dinner for the family holiday’s, such as, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Summer Cookouts, etc.  It filled me with such joy watching my family create the art we all would eventually be eating slowly over time.

Our family lived on the south end of Albany, New York during  1963 through 1970’s in the Old Italian neighborhood, directly across from a well known Italian bakery.  Boy! did I love receiving those end of the day leftover Italian butter cookies the owner would pass out to us children.  Funny, that beautiful reddish brownstone building is still standing as of today.

As I got older, I absorbed the cooking expertise that were passed down by my elders and close friends of the family.  I then practiced until I eventually perfecting my craft, receiving praise from all alike for my excellent dishes.  So I continued the tradition as my home became the “Hub” in my circle of life.  Humbly blessed, and favored by his grace.

Latyonia – L’s simplygoodness.